Pillar of Cloud For Our Journey is Part 2
Let’s take our Bible Revelation 10:1-7(KJV) And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire: And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth, And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices. And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not. And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven, And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer: But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.
May the Lord bless the reading of His word in our hearts in Jesus name. Let us pray. Our Father and our God, we want to thank you because the hour has come to do the duty. And the duty is to announce behold the bridegroom cometh, and Father I am a man for no man can do this and except God be with him.
Lord I begin to ask that your presence will back this ministration so that as many that will hear it across the nations of the world, they will come to know what has happened in our day in the name of Jesus Christ. Lord every situation that has put them in prison by your mercy right now. I break the chains that have kept them in prison right now in the name of Jesus Christ. By your Spirit I command them to come out right now. Just as you have ordained me to be opening the prison gate for people to be coming out there for us many that could hear my voice across the nations of the world, and also in this local assembly, come out of every Prison gate in the name of Jesus Christ. Begin to walk in your liberty. begin to walk in your freedom. I pray that the sick be healed, in the name of Jesus Christ, let healing wings, of the Angel of the convenant bring healing upon any sick body around us now in the name of Jesus Christ. Every situation that needs life, I command it to come back to life right now in the name of Jesus Christ. In your word in John chapter 11:17, you found that for four days, Lazarus has been buried. But that not withstanding you brought life into him. I speak right now that every case that is termed dead, let that case, come back to life, in the name of Jesus Christ. That contracts, the place you were rejected, I begin to speak by the mercy of God, life will come back and they will call you again.
In the name of Jesus, man, every sign of disappointment, I erased it by the blood of Jesus. Thank you, mighty God.
Blessed be your name. For in Jesus mighty name I have prayed. Let’s give Jesus a big big hand as we take our seats. So today we’ll be looking at The pillar of Cloud For Journey is here, Part two. Last Sunday, we looked at the first part of it. And we said the The pillar of cloud, which is Israel needed to move was in the midst of the Camp, and all the children of Israel could see this pillar. And this Pillar was responsible for their movements. The Shekinah glory, hallelujah, it was visible. In fact, it was the Shekinah glory that brought them out of Egypt. When the Shekinah Glory brought them out of Egypt, there was a Similitude of LORD
in the midst of that glory. Let’s turn our Bible to see it. In Exodus chapter 14:24 let me come here with you. Yes, Genesis, you get to those 21 Okay, let’s start from 20. And they took the adjani from suports account in a time in the age of the wilderness. And the Lord
went before them by the day in a pillar of cloud treat them the way by night in a pillar of fire to give them light by the day I mean took not away the pillar of the cloud by day
not that pillar of fire by night from before the people praise the Lord. here, we saw that the pillar of fire the pillar of club started a journey with them. Is that what the journey with them and in starting this journey with them and where were they going to they were going towards to their promise, land, praise God. We understood clearly that this pillar of fire was all through in their journey, until they need entered into the promised land. Praise God. So like we said that the pillar of cloud for our journeys here simply means that church is on the move, and if you can see this pillar, it means that you also on the move, but if you can see this pillar, I mean that
you are going nowhere, but my prayer is that all of us will see it in Jesus name.
Now the Mighty Angel that came down in Revelation, chapter 10, is one and the same person that came down in the days of Joshua at the beginning of their conquest for the land. Well, we’ll look at Joshua in chapter five, we’re looking at verse 13. To 14 Amen.
Joshua 5:13-14(KJV) And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and, behold, there stood a man over against him with his sword drawn in his hand: and Joshua went unto him, and said unto him, Art thou for us, or for our adversaries? And he said, Nay; but as captain of the host of the LORD am I now come. And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and did worship, and said unto him, What saith my lord unto his servant?
Amen. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Now, the Person in the pillar of cloud He came down. He was the one that was in the burning bush that was speaking with Moses in the burning bush in Exodus chapter three. And Moses laid hands upon Joshua and Joshua recognized this Angel of the Lord or the Jehovah Saboath. When he recognized him, he asked him, What do you have for servant? And the Lord told him, where you are standing is a holy ground, immediately Joshua removed his sandals, bowed down and said, Lord, what do you have for your servant? And the Lord now gave Joshua specific instructions, How to take what Jericho. Because at that point in time, Jericho has a wall that is quite big. The horses can go on Jericho wall. And how can these people who just came out from Egypt overcome Jericho? It only takes the instructions from the Mighty Angel. Those things that are impossible for you in your journey of life, this Mighty Angel that have descended that is mighty and strong will bring those things down for you in the name of Jesus Christ. So like I said, the Lord of hosts, the captain of the armies of Israel, was standing. And then gave Joshua instructions, and Joshua began to take the promised land. There is a promise of God for our day. One, the church is a earnestly, looking out for today is in John chapter 14 john we start to read from verse one John 14:1-3(KJV) Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
There is a need for this Mighty Angel to guide us: to take us into it. Praise the Lord.
The life of God in us is what will make us to recognize the Personal Presence of God that have descended today.
In John chapter 1:4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men..
Now take notice of this in him was life, and that life was the light of men. And every man that comes into this world needs this light.
Any man coming into the world needs what? This light, and this life was in Christ Jesus. This life came upon the church on the day of Pentecost, those I 20 disciples that were waiting at the upper room, they were praying 10 days after Jesus ascension: as they were praying. The Bible said a time of Pentecost fully came, and all of a sudden, there was a mighty rushing wind the Holy Ghost fell upon the 120 disciples and they began to speak in languages that outsiders around could hear. From that day the Church was inaugurated and that life that was in Christ was transferred to the body of Christ, so that life in Christ which is light, take notice of that life, because it is light. And that light actually is God, because God is Light. Praise the Lord. Now, if you bring a white light and pass it through a glass prism, it will divide into seven lights. How is a rainbow formed when the white light is passing through water. It will change it into seven colours you will now see rainbow and anytime you see rainbow it signifies the presence of God. Because when Ezekiel saw the glory of God, and He progressively moved forward to understand the glory, he saw a Man. And he also saw a rainbow around that man. And he said that this is the glory of the God of Israel. Let’s see that scripture in Ezekiel chapter one. I’m just trying to do something. Before we now go deeper into our topic for today, in
Ezekiel chapter Ezekiel 1:27-28(KJV) And I saw as the colour of amber, as the appearance of fire round about within it, from the appearance of his loins even upward, and from the appearance of his loins even downward, I saw as it were the appearance of fire, and it had brightness round about. As the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud in the day of rain, so was the appearance of the brightness round about. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the LORD. And when I saw it, I fell upon my face, and I heard a voice of one that spake. He progressively move from seeing a fire and continued to see more of these and eventually he said, he saw a man, a man that was sitting on a throne, round about Him, was a Rainbow. And it is also the same Person that john saw in John chapter four. And there was a drawn in john chapter four verse 3 Revelation 4:3(KJV) And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald. So, the presence of God, whenever you see his presence around, you will see rainbow. So this angel of Revelation Chapter 10 whose face is like a Sun shining in its strength, and round about His heads, and is a Rainbow
That person is no other Person, but The Person of The God, of Israel. The glory of The God of Israel, that led Israel out of Egypt, He is the one that entered into covenant with the Israelites on Mount Sinai. He’s the one that tabernacled with them after He had instituted a sacrificial system. What was the sacrificial system? Killing of lamb, after a lamb was killed sin was atoned for: so that the Sin of man can be taken out of the way so that God can live with man. So the same glory, the same cloud is necessary to guide us into our own promise land.
For you to recognize Him, you must have his life in you. Praise the Lord.
You know, many people can talk to you. People can talk and talk and talk. But there are still people you will listen to, and the most important person you need to hear is God, because He is your maker is my maker. Now how will you recognize him like I said, You must have the light of God in you to recognize the personal or Presence of God that is on ground today. How? Like I said, the light in us is the life of God, am I right? And I said, when you pass light through a glass prism, it will move into seven dimensions, or seven colours. Those are the seven colours of what rainbow, red, orange, then the last one is called what violet, that is what is upon his head. So if the life of God is not in you, you cannot recognize him that is carrying it on his head. The life of God must be you, for you to recognize him. Let me use my daughter as an example. For example, you know, my life is in my children. And because of that, even if somebody said, See, this man is Dad, they will say yes, this is my Dad because there is a resemblance between me and Him. So every Child of God needs this life of God. He needs what this life of God? It is life of God that if it is in , you can now say yes, this thing in me is also in this man. So this must be my Father. And that life In US, was what Paul was writing, and praying, Eph1;17, I pray that that’s the Spirit of wisdom, the Spirit of Revelation, the Spirit of understanding, may work out something in you so that you may know Him better. There are seven dimensions of One Spirit of God. The overplay and operations of these dimensions would actually resonate in you rainbow rays, and this rainbow rays will make you recognize the one that is carrying it on his head. And the one that is carrying it on his head is the one that has instructions for our move.
Now the Spirit of Wisdom was upon Joshua, in Deuteronomy chapter 34. In verse nine on the hand of Moses was upon on, on Joshua, and he received the Spirit or wisdom and oppression of that spirit in him, made him recognize the Personal Presence of God that will take Him to possess the land and share it for the people it has been promised to. Imagine recognizing, imagine, begin to ask question, are you for us or against us? He now made him know that I am the captain of the armies of the horse of heaven, I am for you. I am here to take you to the promised land. But you need to take my instructions. You need to get it clearly. And when you get these instructions, no man shall be able to stand against you all the days of your life. I speak by the mercies of God. That as you recognizing him and on your way every dead thing comes, back to life in the name of Jesus Christ. As you recognize him, because He speaks the Glory does speaks, when spoke to Jesus, it was like a thunder but Jesus understood it, Jesus The Son of God was the star Prophet for his day and the life of God in Him gave Him quick understanding Isa11:3. When the glory spoke, he said I have brought glory to myself and I’ll bring it again, people around Him said an Angel or thunder spoke to him Jn12:28-29. But Jesus understood the clearly. Even in the days of Moses when the glory was speaking Moses heard it very clearly and came up to the mountaintop. So when this glory is speaking, everyone is expected to hear it. And when you hear it, you will go up. So we are going up, Praise the Lord. Like I said, any level where you have found yourself in this Christian Journey, there is another phase of it.
And the yardstick that will continue to move you from one phase of this measure to another level of measure is called Love, love for God. And you cannot love God and hate your fellow human being. By this we know that God is in you when you love one.
By this we know that God is in you when you love one another. And this love is also progressive. Praise the Lord. Most of us that have gotten married we know that the love you have for your wife in year one may not be the love you have for her for in year two. Like, you may be finding it difficult to give an offering of 200 Naira today, maybe by next year when your love for God must have increased; you can easily bring it out. It is that yardstick that determines the measure of the Spirit of God at work in you. So if you want to increase the measure of the Spirit of God upon your life, you need to express more love for Him. If they say let’s go for Evangelism you will be willing to go reason you’ll be willing to do what
he said that is something you need to sacrifice for him. I can remember in those days when I was still in Lagos. And God was saying, I need to put aside my degree certificate for his work, I struggled to give it for the missionary work. He told me, I was the one that trained you praise the Lord. And eventually I kept that degree certificate, for this work I am doing now, like many people may think this is a foolish man, how could you have left a good job for a missionary work in a village like this. But that was a demonstration of love, a measure of love for the Lord and His work. And that is why a measure of His Spirit will come upon my life on its own, it does not require 40 days praying and fasting. It will just love: so as we keep expressing love for him. The measure of His Spirit in our lives keep increasing. And when a measure of the Spirit God in our life is now increasing, we can now recognize who has appeared, and also we can understand His language. Praise God. Like somebody was asking me what kind of faith did Moses had that when God was speaking like Thunder he could hear him. It was just the closeness Praise the Lord. He was close to God. the man Jesus was also close to the Father.
So my charge for us this morning is demonstrate love for God. And then love must reflect in your next neighbour how treat him or her, Praise the Lord! That is a Kind of love you will have, even when your enemies are insulting you, you keep praying for them. Like in the body of Christ these days I there is a kind of prayer that is on going: die by fire die by fire by by fire, if any person resists one, the you kill the person by fire. Check if that is a spirit of God. Because Jesus, in his own words told us, to pray for those who hate us. So that you may be perfect, even as our Heavenly Father is perfect. Come on. The church needs to be upgraded. And they must run with the Apostolic doctrine, what Jesus told his disciples to go and teach. If it is not in line with that, my brother, my sister, you need to keep it aside to see how it is. Begin to ask God for grace. Let’s just open our mouth and begin to pray. Lord, give me grace, to love. Most of us, we have the Spirit of God in us because we are being baptized into the body of Christ, but we need it to increase. Amen. begin to praise the Lord,
I need grace to grow, to love you. Grace, to recognize your presence, grace to also understand the things which you are saying in the name of Jesus Christ. Let’s open our mouth and begin to pray.