Biblical Christianity and Modern Christianity

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John, chapter 4:21-22, Jesus said unto her, Woman, believe me the hour cometh, when you shall, neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father, ye worship ye know not what, we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews.

Jesus told the Samaritan woman and by extension the Gentiles(Nations other than the Jews) that they do not know Who they worship, and the Jews know who they worship and the Jews worship the God of Abraham, one God and from this one God salvation comes to Jews and by extension to humanity

in  Isaiah chapter 43:10-11 Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may Know and believe me, and understand I am he before me there is no God formed, neither shall there be after me.

I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no Saviour

An Apostle of the Jewish origin sent to the Gentiles in  

1Corinthians 12:2 Ye know that ye were Gentiles, carried away on to dump idols, even as ye are Led.

Again, in 1 Corinthians 8:5-7 , for though, there be that are so called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords many)

 but to us there is one God, the Father, of whom, all things and we in him, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by whom, all things, and we by him. Howbeit there is not in every that knowledge…..

The above scripture makes it clear that God created all things, and those things He created were by or through His Son Jesus Christ Eph3:9. This New Testament Apostle to the Gentiles made it so clear that there is one God of which the Jews worship, and there is only one mediator between that one God and men, and that man is Jesus Christ. If there is any one, you can trust his sermon to the Gentiles is Paul, because he was sent to a people (Gentiles) 1Tim2:7. 

When we look at John chapter 14:6 Jesus said unto him, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no man cometh unto the Father, but by me,

This statement of Jesus and that of Paul in 1Timothy2:5, agrees that the only man by whom you can approach the Father, who is the God of Abraham, is through Jesus Christ.

And God declared Him as His Son on three different occasions, One at River Jordan, when Jesus was baptized in Matthew chapter 13:17, the Second time, at the mountain of transfiguration,  Matthew chapter 17:5, and Third time  God raised Jesus from the dead. His resurrection is also a declaration by God, that Jesus the Christ is His Son Romans1:4 and Acts13:33

Who is God?

God is a Spirit, Eternal and the only Being to be worshiped. He is creator of heaven, and earth. So we use God to designate a Person/Deity that ought to be worshiped, and also the Person that created all things. This God has a Son, the First person that came out of The Eternal Supernatural Spirit in the beginning. God dwells in the realm of Eternity (Outside of Time), but out of Eternity came forth; one that started time and that is the word of God (logos exo). The Son of God is the express image of the invisible God Heb1:3. God cannot be seen because no man has seen God at any time, but the only begotten Son, who was in the bosom of the Father, has declared Him. Only God is to be reverenced in worship. Jews don’t bow down to anything else other than God of their father, Abraham. Today, the only approved way to worship Him is to listen to what His Son has said because He commanded us to listen to His Son at Mount of Transfiguration in Matthew chapter 17:5,

Jesus told the Samaritan woman who claimed they worship on the mountain: “They the Samaritan and by extension other Gentile nations don’t know what or who they worship”.  The only way God is worshipped today is through His Son, Jesus Christ, who died for our sins on the cross of Calvary. And God declared Him to be His Son with Power by raising Him from the dead, anyone that believes this verdict shall be saved from Sin

False gods,

There are many dumb idols and false gods which are spirits, which have been leading people away from Almighty God, and also claim to have power and attract people to worship them. One of the tests Satan gave Jesus the Son of God was for Him (Jesus) to worship him (Satan), so that he will give him the kingdoms of the world Matt4:8-9. And that same test is posed to many today, which they fail the test Jesus passed.

False gods manipulate with evil powers, but the Power That Raised Jesus from the grave, which is the Glory of the Father, supersedes every other power. Romans6:4. And this is the power that God uses to translate us from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of His dear Son Col1:13. This exceeding greatness of Power Eph1:19, anyone that truly encounters it breaks the bondage of Satan because that was what Jesus began to preach. When He was commissioned to do The Ministry of Son of Man in Luk4:18 he said, The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach gospel to the poor, he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised

So anyone that is in bondage, the ministry of the Son of God, is to deliver such an individual by the preaching and receiving of the gospel.

Why Modern Christianity cannot overcome the bondage of Satan!

Early or Biblical Christianity started with the witnessing of the Power that raised Jesus from the grave. Before Jesus ascended to The Throne of the Father which is also our own Father, He told his disciples to witness about Him. But before they can do that, they have to wait until they receive the promise of the Father. And what was the promise of the Father, that you will receive power after the Holy Ghost is come upon you, and then you shall be my witnesses from Jerusalem, on to Samaria, then to the uttermost parts of the earth. So, when the witnessing of the resurrection of Jesus is being preached that Great Power, the raised Jesus is what those who listen and believe, will see and receive Acts 4:33, And with great power, gave the apostles the witness of the resurrection, and great grace was upon them all.

Now when the apostles of Jesus died and left the scene most convert among the Gentiles started coming into Christianity Acts20:29-30, with the understanding of Greek philosophy, and polytheism, wrongly interpreted the scriptures, this caused great confusion among the new, dominating religion in the world. So in 325 AD at Nicaea Council, Emperor Constantine, called a meeting of Bishops, in an attempt to unite his kingdom that has been populated with citizens of this new faith, that is gaining official dominance. The Bishops adopted a communiqué released during the council meeting by voting. The few Bishops who did not support the communiqué were banished and removed from office. This commandment of men was enforced on confederating churches in Europe, Middle east and some part of North Africa. This common foundation of faith that gave birth to the doctrine of Trinity (Three distinct Eternal beings that formed the Godhead), which has its root idea from Greek philosophy: Egyptian and Babylonian religion respectively. This form of doctrine established and enforced the commandment of men, stimulated by the spirit of Anti Christ. The teaching of men was now taught as if it is the teaching of God: which resulted in vain worship. Vain Worship is procedural system of worship, but denying the Power or ignorant of The Power. Jesus attacked the Pharisees for: They were teaching the commandment of men, as if they were the teaching what God commanded Matt15:9. This is leaven and leaven represents sin, all through the Bible.

Now, anyone whose foundation of faith, is established on Nicaea Council Creed, his profession of faith cannot affirm or know the truth that set captives free. Although God may have winked about this in time past but now commands that all everywhere should repent of what they thought Godhead is erroneously, because it is evil. As long as this creed is your confession of faith and believe about Godhead (God in Three Persons), you cannot really overcome the forces of darkness that is targeted at the children of God more especially if you are chosen, by God, before the foundation of the world.


Because the idea of Three Eternal Persons Forming Godhead has to do with the Mystery Babylon, and this MYSTERY BABYLON was the idea from Ancient Babylonian cult/religion, which infiltrated into the church, as a result of the meeting that Constantine called together. So anyone that actually establishes his faith, on the doctrine of trinity has also unknowingly embraced these dumb idols which the Gentiles worshiped in different forms with different names Baal (Nimrod), Tammuz (Son of Nimrod) and Semiramis(Venus/Ishta/Diana). Devil cannot cast out devil and such an individual will be trapped in a form of godliness, but denying the Eternal power. What is the Eternal power? The Eternal Power is what God used to raise His only Begotten Son from Death. But when you do not know this God, which of The Persons raised Jesus the Son of God from death? The first person, second person or third person of trinity? You discover that this is a great confusion in Christendom that needs to be cleared in this day.

But The Truth is we have Only One God, The Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ: manifested Himself in Three Different Forms for The Purpose of the work He wants to accomplish at different times. Imagine Mrs. Rose Ifeoma (fiction) who is a Wife on her matrimonial bed by 4am, a Mother preparing breakfast for the children at 6am, and a classroom Teacher in school by 9am. Mrs. Rose Ifeoma is One Person, Changing roles at different times, and possibly wearing different clothes as the role may demand. The Eternal Invisible Spirit Clothed Himself in Fatherhood in creation with His Son (Pre incarnate Form of Jesus Son of God) like a Garment Ps104:2, Pro.8:22, The Eternal Invisible Spirit indwelling The Virgin Born Son in Redemptive Role 1Corth5:19, and The Eternal Invisible Spirit indwelling The Bride Body of the Son of God during Holy Ghost dispensation Eph2:22. The Bible Teaches that Water is a Representation of The Holy Spirit Jn7:37-39, Water exist in three forms at different temperatures and it is used to serve different purpose. As Ice block, under Zero degree Celsius , liquid water at room temperature, and Water Vapor gaseous state at temperature above 100-degree Celsius. The invisible things of Him from creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made (Water highlighted above as an example), even His Eternal Power and Godhead. 

What is True freedom.

When you know the truth, freedom is handed to you, John8:32 And ye shall know the truth and the Truth shall make you free. In verse 36, if the Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed, only the Son can make you free from demonic manipulation, through the knowledge of the truth, God is the truth. And only the Son declares the Father. And the father declares the Son. And only the Son reveals the Father, to whomsoever Matthew 11:27. You see, when the Son reveals the Father to you, you become free. This is how the Son makes one free. God is a Spirit and invisible and He requires to be made visible by the Son, to whosoever, for whosoever believes what the Son has said, about God, will receive freedom. And the Son said, Believe in me, the only way you can come to the Father is through me and not some other ways, and be baptized in the name of the Son of God, for the remission of sins, then you shall receive the Power, or the promise of the Father, because the name of the Son is also the name of the Father, because the Father gave Him all things, including His Name. For God has given Him a Name, which is above other Names, at the mention of the name of Jesus, every knee bows Phil2:9-11 to The Glory of God the Father. The Promise of the Father, which we receive today, is a measure of His Spirit in you, and this will make you overcome the forces of darkness, that have been manipulating your destiny in time past. Then you have to follow the apostles’ doctrine and not the commandment of men, taught as if it is the commandment of God, which characterizes the modern Christianity, stimulated by the spirit of Anti Christ that was institutionalized at Nicaea council and continued through different church council meetings in the church history. Only the God of Israel is the Savior of mankind, and He does it through His Son, Jesus Christ, who is the mediator between God and man, I pray that you increase in the grace of God through the knowledge of the Father, and also of the Son. Jesus is Lord

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